California Freemason: There’s No Place Like Lodge
Could the simple act of joining a MasonicLodge be the key to rebuilding trust and strengthening democracy?
2021 Lodge Dues
$204.00 Total
ONLY use if you have paid your 2020 dues
2020 Lodge Dues
$204.00 Total
ONLY use if you have paid your 2019 dues
Donate to the Kitchen Improvement Fund
ALL Donations go directly towards the project
Unfortunately, these donations are not tax-deductible
Masonry is the world’s first and largest fraternal organization. It is guided by the enduring belief that each man has a responsibility to make the world a better place. For 300 years, Freemasonry has enhanced and strengthened the character of individual men by providing opportunities for fellowship, charity, and the search for truth – within ourselves and the larger world.
Upland-Mt. Baldy Lodge No. 419 feels like family, a Masonic family that takes care of one another through mutual support, Masonic ritual, outreach, and personal example. We hope to inspire one another by stretching our lives and becoming better, living witnesses of what it means to truly care for one another.
We support each other intentionally by always asking about why a brother, sister, or child might be missing from a meeting, not intrusively but out of care and concern. Phone calls are made and even visits to make sure things are ok. We do not want any lodge family member to go missing.
Clean, sharp, and precise Masonic ritual is a high priority at our Lodge. We do not expect perfection but we do insist on our very best, and even better than that, if possible. We practice extensively before every degree. Our goal is to understand why the ritual unfolds as it does: The “spirit” of the ritual, not the letter, always prevails.
Outreach to the local community and through Grand Lodge is essential to the wellbeing of our lodge. We contribute to Grand Lodge service projects, especially those geared toward young people. We support local community food pantries. We underwrite the cost of local youth sports teams. Toy collections happen every year in December. Our youth orders do local community service projects. We host our local Neighborhood Watch. Our Lodge wants to be known for its service to others.
Being a personal example is so important. We all face challenges in life. At our lodge, we hope to be living witnesses to the strength we derive from practicing our Masonic beliefs. We inspire each other through so many simple acts of kindness. Behind them all is the belief that mutual love and caring makes life worth living.
Masonry is a community of men and their families who share similar beliefs and values. The fraternity finds it important to connect with other men of honor, compassion, love, trust, and knowledge, regardless of their race, color, religious beliefs, political views, sexual orientation, physical ability, citizenship, or national origin. We are friends and brothers, and are connected through this vital and uplifting organization of moral men.
Our continuing pursuit of truth, knowledge, ethics, and leadership skills makes us better men and brings more meaning to our lives. Learning the tenets of Freemasonry, paired with being an active part of our community, gives us the opportunity to develop leadership and organizational skills, and builds self-discipline through commitment and self-confidence.
As a member of the Freemasons, the Grand Lodge of California, and Upland-Mt. Baldy Lodge No. 419, we are a part of a worldwide organization that values tradition, history, and timeless wisdom. The traditions and core values of our fraternity are meaningful today and will endure for centuries to come because of our direct impact in our community, through our charities, and on a personal level.
Upland-Mt. Baldy Lodge membership is open to men 18 and older who meet the qualifications and standards of character and intention, and who believe in a Supreme Being. Men of all ethnic and religious backgrounds are welcome.
One of Freemasonry’s customs is not to solicit members – men must seek membership on their own initiative. Anyone is welcome to request information about the fraternity.
If you are interested in applying for membership to our lodge, now is a good time to start. Please contact us to schedule a visit during an event, or request more information.
Contact usCould the simple act of joining a MasonicLodge be the key to rebuilding trust and strengthening democracy?
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